Didj Shop Affiliates Scheme
Application Form

Under this program, we'll pay you 10% on all sales identifiably referred via your web site (specified in the Affiliate Scheme FAQs).

Payments are made to you every six months - or when your commission reaches $100 - whichever happens sooner . The minimum payout is $40 Australian; when that sum isn't reached, you commission continues to accumulate.

It's a completely painless way to earn some money!

To apply, complete and submit the order form below:

We'll reply promptly by email to:

  • confirm your membership
  • confirm details of the Didjshop's Affiliate program
  • give written confirmation of undertakings to you as an affiliate
  • provide you with specific HTML code which enables us to track orders originating from your links.

Didjshop Affiliate Scheme Application Form

* indicates required fields

First Name *
Surname *
Address *
City *
PostCode/Zip *
Country *
Phone *
Your Email Address *
Note - if you get this wrong - even by just one character - we may not be able to get back to you - so please ensure your email address is accurate!
Title of your web site
(10 words maximum) *
URL (web address) of your web site
(please be exact!) *
A short summary describing the web site and its content
(25 words maximum) *


The Didj Shop gives an absolute undertaking on your personal privacy: information obtained from this form will be utilised exclusively by the Didj Shop for the purpose of fulfilling our obligations to Affiliates. Under no circumstances will it be sold or willingly passed on to third parties for any reason. (see also our Privacy Policy).


  • I/we submit this application to join The Didjshop's Affiliate Scheme. I/we understand that my/our application is subject to acceptance by didjshop.com.
  • I/we agree to not misrepresent didjshop.com and to abide by didjshop.com`s final editorial right to any wording associated with my/our links.
  • I/we agree to refund any commission paid to us in case of charge-back (if didjshop.com has to refund the credit card company with the proceeds of the associated sale).
  • I/we have read and agree to abide by everything said in the "Affiliates' Scheme Frequently Asked Questions" which forms the terms and conditions of this affiliate scheme.
  • If didjshop.com decides to accept my application, I/we undertake to:
    • place a functioning link to didjshop.com in an agreed format on at least one web page on my/our web site within 14 days
    • notify The Didjshop by email of the URL (web address) of the web page
