Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from customers of the world's finest didgeridoo store

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Name and Country Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj Please comment on our service and workmanship Please name one important reason for you to be buying from us Any other reasons why you bought from us How does your new didjshop didj compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value
Armando from Italy It's fantastic. Great care in finishing, warm sound. The wax is reliable. Very professional. I liked the "UPS didjieridoo box" shipping package so much. Workmanship very precise. Sound Quality No  
Anonymously The size and mouth piece size Very helpful in helping me select my didj Low Price No  
Anonymously You're one of the few offering very deep drone didges. This one was a rare species with nice wood colours. Fast replies, friendly words, good transport, not too expensive Workmanship Large selection, all in stock, fast transport, easy pay system It's one of the good ones
Gordon from United Kingdom Great Website, good service Absolutely excellent, truly a work of art. Good Sound. Workmanship Great selection on Website and very informative.  
Jerome from France It was a great didj with a wonderful quite wooden mouthpiece, a big barked bell, good artwork, a marvellous sound, but sorrily it started to split a few days after I received it... Everything was amazing about this didj, except for the appearing of the slits... But the didj was taken back without problem and I could have another one with the price of it. Workmanship I just trust didjshop as I bought my first didj ever here and it is so cool! It was much less expensive and very good sounding. It's undoubtedly a good price/quality rate, one of the best in the world I daresay!
Anonymous from USA Nice sound quality Didj came in a reasonable amount of time. It was of a very high quality. Workmanship No  
Odette from Switzerland I like pretty much all in my didj... it as a bit too much backpressure for me but its ok Excelent service... Reliably graded Second didj... I love your site... so much passion... thx  
Geoff from Australia Exellent Didj, awesome resonance and good back pressure. many people have also commented on the looks. extremely well made +++++ Service is outstanding with excellent support and backup.. Workmanship is best I've seen in Aus Sound Quality Very well renowned with excellent product.....WORLDWIDE> This is by far the best didj I own.....Concert standard.
Andres Hurtado from Spain Escribire en español lo siento, me enviasteis el didgeridoo en malas condiciones, tenia una raja debajo de la pintura de casi 60 cm, con el tiempo lo tube k lijar y arreglar y volver a pintar, es lo k no me gusta del didgeridoo, k me lo enviasteis regular El cenvio del didgeridoo fue rapido y seguro me gusto, lo k no me gusto fue las condiciones en las k venia el didgeridoo, muy bien pintado pero kon una raja de 60 cm Son didgeridoos autenticos y eso es lo k me gusta El didgeridoo si es de eucalipto es mejor se sabe que son mas caros pero merece la pena
Jean-sebastien from Belgium Really good product, good sound and quality as expected No comment... It's what I expected Aboriginal Made    
Anonymous from USA I liked the one I ordered. There was nothing to dislike. The workmanship was excellent and your service was impeccable. Made in Australia Can't think of any  
Anonymous from USA I liked the one I ordered. There was nothing to dislike. The workmanship was excellent and your service was impeccable. Made in Australia Can't think of any  
Petr Kralik from Czech Republic Nice sound, overtones, everybody like it on concerts. I am satisfied:-) Reliably graded I have 3 other didges from your shop and all of them are excelent.  
Anonymous from France It has a perfect sound, deep, full with excelent overtone Realy good, nice to work with Sound Quality Very good descroption of the product Very good
Anonymously A good instrument for a beginner like me. A bit heavy though Good service. Workmanship overall good, but seems not to pay attention to small details Reliable Trustworthy Business    
Anonymous from USA I bought this as a gift for someone after we saw a demonstration for one in a museum. The recipient LOVED it and learned to play it fairly quickly. I don't remember exactly what I paid or exactly what it looked like but I remember being extremely happy for what I got for the price. As someone who knew nothing about the didgeridoo your site was welcoming, easy to understand, and "felt" reliable and trustworthy. You made it easy for a novice or first-time buyer.  
Francis from USA This didgeridoo is everything I expected it to be and more. As I became more familiar playing it, its true potential (to the limit of my skills) surfaced. I own five didgeridoos and this is by far my favorite, in appearance, workmanship and sound quality. Excellent. I would unhesitatingly purchase any number of didgeridoos from the Didgeshop. Reliably graded I feel that I should buy from Australia, and the instrument should be Aboriginal made. I wished it to be genuine. Your website was very informative, well done and influential in my decision to buy a didgeridoo sight unseen. I therefore relied heavily on your rating scale's accuracy and I was not disappointed. This didgeridoo is everything you claimed it to be. Thank you. This is the best didgeridoo of my collection and my favorite. Its appearance, and sound quality is second to none. It is also the most expensive. Price is a limiting factor partly due to shipping cost to the US.
Anonymous from Canada I love the slick unpainted look, the ease of play, and the nice sound. The only thing I wish it had was a bit more volume. The didge came in perfect condition and has held up well over the last year. I'm very satisfied. Can hear the didj before I buy There is really no place to buy fine quality didgeridoo's where I live (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada). I wanted to be sure that the didgeridoo I was buying was authentic, had a good sound, and was made to last.  
Jakob from Slovenia I really like almost everything about it - authentic look, weight of the wood, quality, sound. It is a bit harder to play than I expected and compared to the plastic one I made myself. No complaints here, it's perfect. Reliable Trustworthy Business It is very important to be able to see and hear the didj, and read good feedback from other customers on your site. The other one is PVC, made myself, so much cheaper and sounds surprisingly great and it's easier to play.
Joseph from Canada Great tone. Good sized mouth piece. Since I am a beginner, I didn't find any dislikes. Great service. Quick replies. And patient with the payment process (working out credit card details...) Didj looks great and has had no problem in the last 7 years i've had it. Can hear the didj before I buy Had a high customer rating and satisfaction... Many years in business. Very good quality and good prices. Much softer sound, yet still very crisp comparing.
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