Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from customers of the world's finest didgeridoo store

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Name and Country Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj Please comment on our service and workmanship Please name one important reason for you to be buying from us Any other reasons why you bought from us How does your new didjshop didj compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value
Garry from United Kingdom It was my 1st Australian Didg and has given me hours of enjoyment for the last 2 years Very proffessional Workmanship No As good even slightly better
Johan from Belgium Like: great sound, beautiful didj (the eyes are pleased), it was easy to start playing with as a beginner. dislike:...mayhap next time I buy one, it would be with a bigger ending? but this didj is a very good one. Nicely done, it’s a beauty and plays very good. Mayhap a little too much bark stripped of but of course that’s something you know when you see it before you decide to buy. I was a little afraid about its trip to Belgium but when the packed arrived (a special didj box: was funny) it was completely intact and when I opened it the didj was very well packed in bubble-wrap (or how you call it). it’s a great didj, well made and still among the living and looking very dashing. I’m more than pleased Can hear the didj before I buy Better didjs than in stores here. It is all very different from each other weight: ah398 can’t hold up with 1 arm for more than 30 sec other.: it weights’ nothing sound: ah398: good other: poor looks: ah398: dashing other: painted but it comes of when you hold it even for a minute price: ah398: you pay for quality and get is, so very good other: you pay almost no money but even then you are totally
Steven Gruchawka from USA This didj is special to me because it was my first quality didj and it is Aboriginal made in Austrailia. I no longer play it very much, however, because it is too heavy to comfortably hold and its sound quality and vocal range is not as good as some of my other comparably priced didges. My favorite didges are my E by Chad Butler, F by Bill Hanes, and C# by Inlakesh. The Didjshop is a great outlet and I recommend it highly to others for genuine Aboriginal made didgeridoos that are reliably graded and fairly priced. Workmanship Interesting and informative website, good people, Aboriginal made, sound samples, reliable grading, great selection, made in Austrailia. I no longer play it very much because it is too heavy to comfortably hold and its sound quality and vocal range is not as good as some of my other comparably priced didges. My favorite didges are my E by Chad Butler, F by Bill Hanes, and C# by Inlakesh.
Martin Allwright from United Kingdom I am happy with the quality and only use it occasionally for fun, I have no dislikes with it. I was very happy with the service, quick and efficient with lots of useful information on the website to aid selection. Reliable Trustworthy Business I planned to buy a didj when I visited Australia, but was dissatisfied with the tourist items and wanted a proper termite aboriginal made one and was impressed by your website. The bockground infromation on the site was useful to understand the differences in standards for a novice. Unable to comment, but very satisfied with the one I bought
Anonymous from South Africa Incredible sound and looked fantastic. Excellent workmanship and service. Sound Quality   Much better sound quality and looks better as well. other Didjis made from bamboo or piping.
Kristoffer Stensbo-smidt from Denmark There is really nothing I don't like about this didj. Just from the weight of it you can tell that it is real quality. The sound is perferct and so is the workmanship. The service is the best I've ever experienced! Even though I messed up the payment step, the support was kind and helpful. The workmanship is very good too, but there are small spots on the bark that haven't received enough varnish so that small pieces are beginning to fall off. Nothing grave, but it's a bit disappointing when the rest of the didj is of so high quality. Reliably graded The huge collection of didjes. My only other "didj" is a cheap bamboo didj I found in a tourist shop. There is no way you can compare that with the one I got from Didjshop.
Anonymously I love it! It sounds better than any didj I've ever played and I like the fact that it was made by aboriginals and by an ethical company. Service is so fast and reliable, and the didj is absolutely fantastic Business Ethics   You can't compare it: the other "industrial" didj sounds fine until you listen to the af951. After that, it's very difficult to play another didj. It just FEELS different.
Barry Adams from United Kingdom I am very happy with the sound and the feel of my didj I found you to be very efficient, kind and understaning and approachable. I cannot really on workmanship as I have nothing to compare with but I am very satisfied. Sound Quality Your presentation was quite impressive  
Lynn Harold from USA This didj is beautiful! While not being played, I proudly display it in my living room with a few other unusual items. The sound is clear and sonorous. What impressed me the most was how fast I received my didj. I live in the USA and received it within a few days of ordering it. Reliable Trustworthy Business Honesty and integrity shows through on your web site, I felt I could trust you. This was important for me as a 1st-time international buyer. Ad466 is MUCH BETTER than my other two didjes. The others were purchaed more for appearance than for sound.
Anonymously It is a little heavier than expected and the postal delivery time is much longer than expected I have no dislikes, except that it took so long to get it. Reliable Trustworthy Business You gave plenty of info to evaluate Middle of the pack
Gilles from France I like his sound Very good workmanship sending delay are ok Sound Quality No  
William from USA It is a challenge to play it but as far a decoration, people are always interested to know what it is and what it sounds like. Service was great and they always kept in touch by email. The product came when expected and in flawless conditon. The website was very clear and informative. Everything you needed to purchase a didj was there, picture, sound and history. I'm not sure, I only had the opportunity to play one.
Anonymous from Poland My didj was realy perfect, very good song with a small default inside the didj wich as prehaps given it a particular noise I haven't herd with any else didgeridoo. Good quality didj. It has been sent quickly dispite the distance Sound Quality    
Robbie from USA The didj was a gift for my nephew so I am not the one who plays it, but he has been thrilled with it. If I had it to do over again, I might get a different key but aside from that, he is happy with it, so I am happy with it. My experience with was 100% positive. I knew nothing about didjs before I bought this one, and your site gave me the information I needed to make a reasonably informed decision so that I was not disappointed when the didj arrived. I expected a top quality didj, and that's exactly what I got. Sound Quality Your website. Far and away the best I found. Solid information. Made me confident that I would get what I thought I was paying for, and I would not be disappointed when it arrived.  
Daniel from United Kingdom The workmanship and the very fact that I live in england and could get an authentic aboriginal didj from australia was a great reason to take up didj playing.The awesome first circular breathing moment when I got it right was amazing. The workmanship is great and the fact I could see a photo of the didj I would actually get helped,the didj was packaged very well,also the price was very resonable too. Aboriginal Made The after sales newsletters are a great idea,i feel part of a family Way above
Anonymously Don't like that it has no hoot, but that's a minor problem. It does two distinct keys, so I'm not complaining:) I don't like the indiscreet numbering in a prominent spot, it looks very tacky and spoils the simple look of the instrument somewhat. Pick a better spot for the manufacturing code, in fact, if I ever order from you again, this would be a pre-condition to the purchase, it really spoils the instrument, in fact, it's a spiritual vandalism. It angers me every time I pick it up! Very happy with everything, I got a good solid instrument that is a lot of fun to play for my money and it turned up quickly too. Reliably graded You had Didjes that were not too pretty but simple and that had a good sound, I wanted a proper instrument, not an ornament that I have to fuss over and worry in case I dent it. It was one of the few unpainted ones with a good sound, so the choice was narrow at the time that I bought it.
Jim Smelcer from USA I love it's mellow, mesmerizing tone. There is nothing to dislike! My didj is a work of art. Reliably graded My friends in Holland recommended your didj. No comparison, your didj is the tops.
Linda Mott from USA I love th artwork and the size. It is a perfect travel didge. Your service is firstrate and very personal. Your didge's are the best which speaks to the workmanship. Workmanship Wanted a travel didge and a painted one I could use for a ceremony. It was less expensive but he sound quality wasn't as good either,
Myron Adams from USA I thought the price was just right. It is easy to pley. It is attractive. Service was great and workmanship seemed very good to me. Made in Australia    
Vittorio Montieri from Italy I like it because it's essential Fastest shipment I've ever seen.... Because you're simly the best didjeridoo is better
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