Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from customers of the world's finest didgeridoo store

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Name and Country Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj Please comment on our service and workmanship Please name one important reason for you to be buying from us Any other reasons why you bought from us How does your new didjshop didj compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value
Jose Luis from Spain The original shape / nothing yet Service was very good. Particularly delivering surprise me. Made in Australia I didn' bought a didj when I traveled to Australia. I felt that would not be a good idea haven gone ther and not having one. The presentation in the site map finally convinced me of buying from Didjshop!  
Nicholas Buckley from USA This is an all-round fantastic didj! The artwork (Brad Gosam) is stunning - the colour are so much more vibrant than the photos could ever show. As a new player, this didj performs wonderfully - strong packpressure, easy vocals and a sweet tone. I enjoy playing it regularly, and it also serves as a functional piece of art in my living room. The service was great, a very easy transaction with no issues, but I get the impression that if there were issues they would have been addressed quickly by your staff. The workmanship was excellent, and the artwork was stunning. Aboriginal Made Your website gave me a sense of security, in that I felt I was sure I was buying an authentic, high quality product from an honest business who operate with integrity. I have one bamboo didj and one DidjeriBone, so they are really not comparable. The PVC didj plays easily, but lacks the tone and overall fun and satisfaction I get from playing your didj. The bamboo didj is really pretty crap, so enough said about that!!
Paul from Canada I am very happy with my didjshop didj. It is easily the loudest and most resonant instrument that I have played and I am lucky to share time with it. The overtones are abundant, I can change its tone very easily and the shear volume that I can generate enhances my didjing experience greatly. I have no complaints. I was lucky enough to win one of the monthly promotions that granted me a discount. It turned out that when I was ready to buy my instrument the discount had expired. The nice folks at didjshop gave me the discount anyway! I was very impressed and am still grateful. Workmanship   My ah166 didj is the most expensive didj that I own and it has been worth it. It is an entirely better instrument than my others.
Tim from USA Great little portable dig that is easy to play High marks in all areas really quick delivery and great communication Business Ethics Really like your site and commitment to Aboriginal people Right in there with the others I own
Tim from USA Excellent player and really nice decoration Can't say enough about the quality of your products and service Business Ethics Really like dealing with a first class shop committed to supporting the Aboriginal peoples Excellent
Nestor from Spain I like the tut,the backpresure, and the easy to play it the drone is not bad if I compare it with the price and I do not like the top diameter, now I like more the didg with diametres of 30-40 mm because I dont need to put wax I think is ok by the way I still whithout problems Reliably graded The feeling They are goods
Paulo Gomes from Portugal There is 3 things that I like in this didge: Is very beautiful, has a very nice and clear sound and it was made by a aboriginal artist. Your service is very good and fast, and you are very nice people. Always when I ask something you always helped me. Workmanship Your site have much information about how the didgeridoo is made and you care about the aborigilal traditions and about the forest protection. Ah737 is simply the best didgeridoo that I saw until now, I think the price is not high for his quality and for me ah737 is a very special didgeridoo, because is my first aboriginal didgeridoo and is 100% australian.
Matthew from Australia I like the look of natural timber and the they way the didj is so comfortable to hold whilst playing Very happy the my didj I can tell that alot time and effort has been put in when making it Made in Australia When I first got to the site I could tell they were high quality  
Geoffrey from Canada There is nothing I dislike about my didjeridoo. The sound is great and the artwork is beautiful. I play it for my friends every time they come to my house. This is my second didjeridoo, but my first from Didjshop. The quality of workmanship is head and shoulders above the other one I own. The service was excellent and although I live on the other side of the planet. You wouldn't know it. The shipping was fast and the didj was very carefully packaged. Aboriginal Made The website was very attarctive and I appreciated being able to select the exact didjeridoo I wanted. They do not compare. My didjshop didjeridoo is far superior
Nestor from Spain I like the sound of the drone and tut, but tut its dificult to play i dont like the top diameter its so big Its ok Good feeling Its ok
John from USA I love this didj and am still getting to know it. Very quality construction. You're the best out there, it's obvious Business Ethics   Good
Anonymously I like the quality of the didj, the size and finish. Your service was wonderful. It was an easy experience shopping from your site and my questions were answered quickly. Business Ethics Selection, sound samples, user feedback  
Nick from Australia Love the deep clear sound that it makes. The didj is ell made and has stood up to many bumps and knocks. Didjshop was fast in processing my arder and friendly to deal with. Can hear the didj before I buy Good website. Non as cheap as the bambo didj I have, but sounds a million time better.
Anonymously It is great The finish is not as high end as some, but it doesn't matter, it's the sound that counts. Reliably graded You are the best at grading... I trust you. Only one of my 12 concert didges from you was a bit less than expected. The best.
Lisa from USA I like that when my husband is showing off his didj to neighbors I can find him, just by listening. I bought the didj for my husband and he is very pleased with the workmanship. What surprises me is that I want to touch it. When I see it standing by itself, I can't help going over to it and rubbing my hands up and down its smooth surface. Your service is outstanding. Workmanship Your web-site was easy to navigate. There is no comparison. The "fake" didj does not have an authentic sound.
Anonymously It one of the three best I have. You are the best. Reliably graded I trust you. It is absolutely great... a fantastic didge.
Anonymously It is a high class player It's ok. Reliably graded You the best. Top player
Anonymously Well this was on I had you extend and it arived broken, so I returned it. You were good about the whole business. You were good sports. Reliably graded Trust worthy  
Anonymously Great didge Good Reliably graded You grade well.  
Anthony from USA This was a good one to basic, breathing techniques. It conditions your mind and lungs for your practise tunes and scales. Very good service, however need responses to my emails with important questions I had a few months ago. Other than that very good service, timely deliveries. Can hear the didj before I buy None at this time Better than expected
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