Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from customers of the world's finest didgeridoo store

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Name and Country Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj Please comment on our service and workmanship Please name one important reason for you to be buying from us Any other reasons why you bought from us How does your new didjshop didj compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value
Brandon Barnard from USA I love everything about it. It has a full sound, good resonance and is decorated beautifully. I also am very keen on the weight, because I travel a lot and take my didj's to drum circles at least 8-10 times a month. I am completely satisfied in every way. It is one of the lightest authentic didj's that I have every held or played. It looks and feels like a lot of love and effort went into it's making. I received it approximately 48 hours after you shipped it out, it was completely intact with no signs of stress what so ever. Sound Quality Because, so far you are the most conscious didj sellers online that I have found. I discovered your site on the 4th of July and spent 4 hours searching for the right Didj for me. The MP3's and closeups of the artwork were a definite plus. It definitely has the edge on all my other didj's, I have one that is bamboo and 8 that are PVC and self-made.
Themis from Germany Its quite easy to play, it hase a great and backpresure, I still hawe to go deeper into practicing to find its real soul, what I did not like at the beginig was the tone but as I continiu to play it got better... as I say still hawe to practice Service was great the only negative was that I hade to pay 2 times for shipping... 1 time at the odering second time at for workmanship... its was nice workt out Sound Quality I like you: ) Every dijd hase his history and soul either termite or non... soure the aa979 is by far the most expensive the sound is much louder outside I hawe a better backpresure the sound is mayby clearer but I love my 1st bamboo didj as well I hawe it now since 10 jears its a part of me, and hase a gret sound to (but only indoors:(.... )
Carol from Ireland I dont like this didj, I love it. The sound is fantastic. I love the weight of it. It's resonance is beautiful. It is really great to play, I journey so well with the sound of this didj. Really great. Very well sealed inside. Lovely finish on the outside. Sound Quality I had never heard of the store before, I just really liked the ethos of the website and the content of material that was discussed seemed very genuine. It was important to me that the energy being used to make this instrument be of a cultural and ethical nature, this charges the spirit of the instrument. There is No comparison. The first didj, is a hardwood type thing. Heavy, dull sound. Ornament really. Only used to learn how to make base sounds. €30 about 7 years ago. 2nd Didj is a bamboo. Very deep sound, loud enough. Intresting to play. But, not great for vocalisations. Used this to learn circular breathing. Short, needs to be played fast. €25 about 1yr ago. My Didjshop, great sound, quailty, resonance, Although plain looking, the sound & quality superceeds all. Only difference is about €400 in price (inc shipping). I will play for quality and for an instrument to have a spirit.
Susan D'agostino from USA It is my first didj and I am extremely happy with every aspect of it. It is easy to play and a novice can get gnarly sound out of it easily. It is also light in weight and attractive with its natural bloodwood markings. I also feel the price was reasonable. Again, I couldn't be more happy with it and a free didjshop tee to boot! Excellent service and immediate email responses! Sound Quality Didjshop has the whole package, meaning you can see the exact didj you're buying and you can hear it. Hearing it as well as seeing the exact instrument is what clinched it for me. I shopped around quite a lot before making this purchase and feel aa418 was beyond compare in all categories. I plan to purchase from didjshop again.
Arno from Netherlands I can be clear on that; there is nothing I dislike! I am very satisfied with my didge both on sound quality and craftmenship. Besides a good instrument it's a piece of art. Very easy to play and has taken me already ( I have the didge for 2 weeks now) to a higher plan. The didge allows me to play tunes which I have never been able to do before. I cannot say other than that you have proven excellent service. I have been continuously informed on order details and billing processing. Also good aftersales (up to now as I have received the digde recently;-) I would most certainly reccomend this site to anyone interested in buying a didge. Keep up the good work! Workmanship I understood from other reviews that this shop is the most reliable and authentic around. Another good thing is the extensive range of didges and the fact that they can be listned to before buying. The ac832 is by far better, however my first didge was also far less expensive (300 EURO).
Mickael from France The look, the weight, the vocal on MP3 didj shop record. Realy good. Workmanship   IT IS THE BEST
Noreen from USA The minute I held my Healing Didgeridoo in my hands, I knew it to be just right for me. It sounds wonderful. I don't know circular breathing yet, but will study your Video and practice every day. I'm very pleased with your service, especially since I had some initial trouble with my bank getting things processed properly. Sharilee Betuel helped me greatly with this, and I received my didg in record time. The workmanship of al644 is excellent Reliably graded Once I found out about you, I knew my search on other sites was over. Intuitively, I KNEW you had just what I was looking for. Perfect for me! Al644 beats them all on sound quality and value. The extra price is well worth it. There are many didj's in our family, many home-made by my husband. Also we have friends who come over and Didj with us and we have some great times. Nothing compares to al644 as far as I'm concerned - it's the greatest!
Anonymous from USA I love it! I'm still learning, but it sounds much better than my first (pvc) didj. I received it much sooner than I expected, and I'm happy that you combined my two orders into two shipments. Workmanship   My other didj was cheaper, but it is pvc, and the sound quality is...yeah.
David Freitas De Lucena from Brazil The didj sound is very ressonant... I just feel my work table shakes when I play it! Well, I think the varnish finish could be much more worked on. I know those didjs are aboriginal made, but a beautilfull shinny lacquer finish could give this didj the perfect ending. You're great, mates! Workmanship No It has a unique sound, but I think it could be a little less expensive, because de wood its almost raw
Anonymous from Canada I like that it is better than any didg I have now, and that it forces me to play/learn a different style. It's got a very good lower-end sound, rich, and playful, and hypnotic, and the back pressure is easy on the muscles, so one can relax and play for a long time. It is an interesting didg, and a great concert learner. Now on the dislike side of things: I don't like the engraving. You guys should paint the number, if you must identify it, on the inside near the bell end. Engraving it the way you do near the mouth end on the outside is unattractive, and defaces it. I also don't like that synthetic rubber/polymer mouthpiece that is attached. Really, guys, if I saw that, I would never have bought it. It's not a natural didg if you have to add some synthetic polymer mouth piece to make it work. I paid for a natural didg. I can't take that synthetic piece off, because then the mouth opening is so large that if I were only to use natural bees wax on it to get it to a playable embouchre size it wouldn't function well, because the wax would constantly deform and sink in, especially in the heat, and it would need frequent adjusting, making it a bit of a pain to play. So my argument stands, if the 'didg' needs this synthetic piece to be up to playable quality, then it is not really a natural didg; it is a half natural, half synthetic didg...big disappointment in this respect. Next, al604, is over-rated. In my opinion it is a med-high concert at best, more like a med concert really, not a high concert. Primarily because the back pressure is not 'very good' as it was rated. I rate it 3, or good. It is only 'very good' for a small window of technique, which must be played easy and soft; if you try to throw power into the breath and lips, the thing is like a flat tire, it cuts out, it won't follow you, or only very weakly, not versatile. Clarity, also, which was rated 'excellent' is also over-rated; only on the lower pitches does it come close to 'excellent'; but on the higher pitches/overtones it's weak, they don't cut through the drone, they sound far away. I'd rate it a 3 for them, so over all I'd average out the clarity rating to a 4 and say it is 'very good', but not excellent. I've played noticably better didgs that made no claims to being high concerts. Shipping time was great, as were the very reasonable shipping costs, thank you. I would still buy from you, but next time, I'm going to make sure that I buy a didg that has less than a 40mm inner diameter, so that I can take off that unwanted synthetic mouth piece, and replace it solely with bees wax which at that diameter will not sink and deform when my mouth presses on it during play in the heat of a sunny day. And I'm only going to pick a didg that you guys have rated as excellent for back pressure. And in fact, excellent for almost everything, since it seems my rating values are tighter than yours. Finally, really, take my advice, engraving the numbers on the mouth end of the didg is not cool....find another way. It's bad because I guess the idea is that when you engrave it, no one can scrape it off and not give you a percentage on a re-sale that is higher than what he paid for it....not impressive guys. Most people are honest people, and dishonest people will always find a way around things no matter what you do, so why make the honest people suffer, or presuppose that they are dishonest by engraving it deep like that into the wood, like a serial number or something for police identification...yuck. When someone is spending near a grand on a didg, art or no art, they want smooth and flawless. Put the number, or better yet the signiture of the artist on the inside of the bell end, and paint it, like the signiture of an artist on a painting, don't engrave. And lastly, re art, and artefacts. First I can see why a painted didg would be art, and why an artist would want to sign it. But a natural unpainted didg?...why is that art or artefact?...don't tell me it's because the guy who picked it up is aboriginal..because I think that's kind of stretching it. If he picks up a coke can, and he's aboriginal, and puts it up for sale, does that make it aboriginal art or artefact too?...I think not. For me, to be a true aboriginal artefact it has to be used by aboriginals in a cultural setting that is traditional for a certain amount of time, then put up for sale. Picking up a didg from the outback, and then coating it with western varnishes, and attaching a polymer synthetic mouth piece to it, and lining it up in a shop, does not really make it for an aboriginal artefact; and in the case of an unpainted didg, it isn't even aboriginal art. It's just westernized aboriginal people doing business with westerners in western fashion. It's just a material product, no different than a Les Paul guitar, or a Straticastor guitar on the shelf etc, as far as musical instruments go. That doesn't mean anything bad, because these are great products made with great skill and attention to quality, and again, like these guys ( straticastor, or les paul as examples), put your label ('didgeshop' for unpainted, and signiture of artist for painted) on your didges, but be artistic about it, don't engrave. All in all, I'd like to say, that despite my critque, I have already had some thoroughly enjoyable times with my new didg and am planning for many more this summer, and I have confidence in it. It is not my dream didg....but it is very good...and good enough for now, until I get to Australia and actually walk into your shop and pick the one that is my dream didg, which I know is somewhere in there. After this experience I now realize that this can only be done in person, or one has to be very lucky to nail the right didge just off the internet, even with recordings and ratings, there is afterall a very personal and subjective factor, between the player and the actual didge which can only be bridged by actually playing it there and then...oh well. Cheers guys, Hope my feedback has been helpful, and Thank You for a very good didg nonetheless. John Great delivery time. I also appreciate your availability by phone, and the gentleman I spoke to on a couple of occasions was polite and helpful with my questions and concerns. Sound Quality Your rating system, which I percieved was objective and fair...and I still believe it is. And the fact that you provide recordings/sound-bytes so one can hear the didg. I have played better at parties. But unfortunatly, those guys wouldn't sell. al604 is a med concert in my opinion, all things considered; it has a high concert accent on the lower end pitches and drone, but a only a 3 or 'good' touch on the higher end pitches/overtones and clarity, and only a 3 or 'good' on the stylistic versatility factor limited by so-so back pressure...has only a small window of stylisitic play, but that window is excellent per se.
Bart from Netherlands First of all it sounds fantastic!! Secondly it looks great, is lighter as expected and is easy to play. I wanted to have a good and versitile didge. One that I can use for many years to come wich is of great quality and aboriginal made. Well, this one does it all!! The service is simply outstanding!!! I send a few e-mails with questions. All questions were answered with detailed information and more. The reply was always within a day or sooner. Shipping and delivery went fast and the package was securely packed. Workmanship The customer service! When having an internet business, that's how you set yourself apart from the rest! Great service "sticks" and gives mouth to mouth advertisement. My other Didge stands, in every way, in a BIG shadow compared to the Didge I bought at Didgeshop!
Barney from USA After reshaping the wax, I was able to play it quite well. The finish is a little rough and some of the putty holes are either not filled in or are a little high. Some of the finish is uneven and streaked. The thought did come to me that I could refinish it. My first didj (not from you) I striped down, sanded smother and refinished it. Doing this might not improve my playing; however, I feel a greater connection to my instrument for the care and personal work I put into it. Hope that made sense. Your service has always been of the highest caliber. This time, Shiralee called me at home to leave a message that there had been a problem with your fax recently. Just incase I had faxed my credit card info. Then my didj was sent as quickly as promised, that Friday and I received it the following Wednsday. Sound Quality This didj fit what my need. For price, perhaps the same. For sound and ease of play better. Fair for value.
Anonymously Nice warm tone, beautiful vocal Sounds. The art work is fantastic. Overtones could be crisper. Great fast service, very easy to work with. Workmanship   Sound is much better on this didj than on my other ones. It cost more, but I must say that it is well worth the price, overall value is excellent.
Laura from Italy First of all I like it because of its sound, then because it is really good looking. i like it also because it is very strong, well done, and not too long. i have some difficulties to play it quickly, but I think that's my fault, I have to learn a lot. You provide a very professional and fast service. about the workmanship, I'm not an expert, but I think that you'r didjs are the best we can buy in italy for low prices. about my didj, I'm sure it is really well done. Reliable Trustworthy Business   I didn't pay the others didjs, but about the sound quality and value didj al372 is the best.
Barry from United Kingdom Sound quality is excellent, artwork is good. What I do not like about this didge is that it has a large mouthpiece insert to make it playable, and a large repair clearly visible inside the bell. This does not seem to have had a detrimental effect on the sound, however, if I had been aware of this I would not have purchased the didge as, from previous experience I know that at some point in the future, further fixative or repair work will be required. Service is good as ever, workmanship scores low because there is so much workmanship evident. If I purchase another didge from Didjshop I will have to ask alot of questions before I proceed. Low Price Previous purchases good quality - good workmanship. Not so impressed this time. Good sound comparison, price reasonable after reduction.
Anonymous from Italy The didj was great. it has a high cultural and musical value, impossible to find anywhere else Absolutely perfect Business Ethics The website seemed to be really serious and professional  
Very very good! Ou very nice! Low Price    
Roberto Mojica from Puerto Rico Compare to other didji's I need to say ofcurse, the sound quality it's beyoun my expectations, the aparience is perfect too. nothing that I don't like. Service was faster than I expected. the workmanship is nice but the coating on the natural skin is a little withe Can hear the didj before I buy Good reference and very honest website My others are not even a close match they are very far behind
Thomas Ryan from USA This didj vibrates my entire house. I enjoy lower pitched didjes and playing fast. I think this didj is great for both. I love to show this didj off to other didj players. They've never seen anything like it! I wish the serial number could be somewhere less obvious:( I feel how a proper mouthpiece feels. I like how I can knock on it with my knuckles, it just standing there, and it vibrates. I'm not sure where didjshop's workmanship comes through on the didj; perhaps the varnish? If so, its great. As well, your service rocks. I called and asked Svargo his opinion on which of two Didjes I should buy. He walked me through both didjes, played them, and we decided on the one I have. And I'm super happy with the process I went through -- from start to finish. Only thing, the website could be organized a little better. Workmanship Your homepage described the exact instrument that I was looking for. This is something I'm looking forward to living a long life with, mastering over time. For that, I need the absolute best. It is as described. Well, I have a Yucca didj that is low and has good sound, but not the volume. Honestly, it sounds really good, but not nearly as good as your didjes. Only thing, I payed 80$ for it. The price I paid for your didj was about 650$, and definitely does not sound "8" times better, maybe three. But that wasn't necessarily expected and is really only half the point of owning a didjeridoo like this. Its the aesthetics of the entire experience; the sound; the history; the look; and the oneness you can feel with a didjeridoo like this. To me, I see this like a baby, and is beyond the value of money.
Bart from Belgium I like almost everything about it, it plays very easy, great backpressure, loud and clear sound + resonance, I dealt now twice with you, and the service was always very friendly, fast and correct. So I'll come back for more if I need some:) Workmanship   From my eucalyptus didges, is this definitely the best one.
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