Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from customers of the world's finest didgeridoo store

Comments entered by customers of

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Name and Country Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj Please comment on our service and workmanship Please name one important reason for you to be buying from us Any other reasons why you bought from us How does your new didjshop didj compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value
Tina Johnston from Australia Good size for me, nice note. Excellent all round... very satisfied. Workmanship All round excellence.  
Jennifer from Australia I like the look, feel & tone of my didj. Your service & workmanship exceeded my expectations Reliably graded You have the most comprehensive didj information of any website I visited. Being able to hear the didj's & read about matching for playing together is what sold me.  
Jennifer from Australia I like the look, feel/weight & lenght of my didj Service & workmanship where great Reliably graded Most didj info of any website I visited. Helped me select the key I liked best & found a mate suitable for playing together  
Rachel from USA I find the sound relaxing and therapeutic. Can't think of anything I don't like about it. Arrived here in Minnesota as expected and the service was great, despite some confusion with debit card on international transaction. Can hear the didj before I buy Impressed with contacts made with your staff over the internet. NA
Greg Degreef from Canada Quality and originality Excellent Sound Quality Great info on website Far superior
Greg Degreef from Canada Sound and quality Best I've seen Workmanship Good info on site Far better
Greg Degreef from Canada Great look, great sound The best Workmanship Best info on the web! Far better
Greg Degreef from Canada Sound and quality Unparalleled Workmanship Website info Far superior
Anonymous from Ireland The didjes are made in natural way by aboriginal people...It is a nice extra and the sound is beatiful. Plenty didges for sell...sent the didj very quickly without any delays. I like your services in every way. Natural material used. Good sound quality.  
Anonymously Beautiful, stylish, clean didj. Easy to play with good backpressure and with a really nice sound. Good site and good service - You can feel that the those behind the page are nice people. Sound Quality Especially that I could hear the didj before buying...  
Anonymously I love my didj, if I had had more money, I would have bought a bigger one. Perfect service, and the bigger the didj is, the more wonderful workmanship gets. Business Ethics No other reasons, the most important ones are given above. Ah544 is really good quality even though it is quite small.
Anonymous from USA I love everything about it. The service was spectacular and the workmanship was one of a kind. Workmanship    
Greg Degreef from Canada I like both the sound and look Best on the web and beyond Business Ethics Extensive information that was provided One is a bamboo that smells like diesel, the other is homemade from PVC, there is nothing like the real thing
Anonymous from Netherlands Sound,handcraft, origional instrument The delivering worked uot wel to Europ Aboriginal Made No  
Mark from USA Very nice tone. Easy to use. No complaints at all. The finish on the didj could be a little smoother, although I don't know how that would affect the sound. Sound Quality   The other didj I own I bought in Darwin. It is nicer overall, but it also cost a lot more.
Larry Steiner from Australia I like the ease of playing. Would like it to have a little more "fullness". I have had no problems with either service or workmanship Low Price After looking at other australian suppliers I find you have the best price/value. The didges from the Didjshop are difinitely better sounding.
Mark from New Zealand My code on mouthpiece is DS-101h natural colour lovely size small Service fine workmanship great Aboriginal Made Australian company is important Sound good price high but you pay for quality
Anonymous from USA I like the sound and quality of the Didj. I was drawn to the color and the sound sample. I appreciate that you grade the didj's. I am no an expert player, but this didj is easier to play than the other that I had bought in the US. You have been very helpful on the purchaes I made and even when I had to backout of a purchase. Workmanship   I play only the AF496at this time.
Giulio from Italy I love this didj, it helped me learn a lot! The only problem was a small node and from that node over the years a small crack opened and now the sound is not so good. Service was good as expected, as I have already explained I was not too impressed with the craftmanship since there was a repaired node on my didj and from that node over the years started a nasty crack! If you could also suggest something to do this would really help! Sound Quality Good feedbacks and obviously the huge selection. Overall price was more or less the same; sound: your didj sounded better than the others, but since the crack not anymore.
Anonymous from Sweden It is easy to get a drone sound. It is beautiful. I can find no flaws on the didj I recieved. There was no problem ordering from your site, and delivery time was very fast considering the distance. Aboriginal Made Couldn't find another shop with sound examples.  
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