Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from customers of the world's finest didgeridoo store

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Name and Country Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj Please comment on our service and workmanship Please name one important reason for you to be buying from us Any other reasons why you bought from us How does your new didjshop didj compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value
Wopitec from Germany The most think I like is your frinedly art of behaviour. it's a pleasure to read your newsletter and surf through your offers. Fast and easy to handle. Can hear the didj before I buy The selection  
Martin Luh from Austria Phantastic wood grain and extraordinary sound Fast & friendly even when not playing I like the look and feel of the didj - it is a beautiful piece of work and it got a prominent place in my living room Workmanship You've got one of the most attractive websites that promised a reliable and trustworthy business Ah761 was higher priced but has much higher value as workmanship and sound are lightyears better
Ian from United Kingdom Love the quality, sound and the look of it. Plays easily even for someone as untalented as me! Really appreciate the factthat is is genuine and that Aborigines are not being exploited along with the green credentials I actually got a different didge to the one I ordered, but you telephoned me in the UK as soon as possible to make sure I was still happy. I was! When I save up enough, I'll certainly get another from you Reliably graded Got a good feeling about yourethics and honesty from the website. Also learned a great deal from the various links on your site Yours is the best in all areas (2 others I made myself, the other a cheap one from a local shop)
Marie from France I like how it looks regarding the sound it has: Simple (no painting, basic shape, normal size) with unexpected powerful sound... humble! The product's quality is obvious. I also appreciated the packaging which allowed it to travel 10.000km in one single piece! Reliably graded Impossible to find nice didj at reasonable price in France Clearly better than one and much much better than the other. The best value for money of these 3 didjs
Anonymous from Finland Very easy to play and excellent sound. Yor service was exact and exellent. Can hear the didj before I buy Nice and clear webpages.  
Anonymous from Finland Very nice looking, but a bit difficult to play because of the low frequency. Very professional and exact. Can hear the didj before I buy Earlier experiences  
Anonymous from Finland Very nice small didj. Very good and professional. Can hear the didj before I buy Previous customer  
Lasse from Denmark I like the clarity, clear and sharp and a wonderfull backpressure. But it is a little bit heavy. Didjshop has perfect service. I think it is the most reliable internet shop I have used. I have bought 3 didjes, and I have never been dissapointed. Workmanship You are trustworthy Better sound more expensive
Anonymous from Germany Unfortunately the big wax cone (which was needed to obtain a reasonable diameter) got soft and distorted when playing a long time. Fixed the problem by creating an epoxy copy of the orginal shape. Covered it with a thin wax layer. Plays great now and is my favorite instrument! Great and professional service. Very friendly. Short e-mail response times. Workmanship Easy to browse online shop.  
Roland Tso from USA Great sound Excellent Sound Quality Your company has integrity  
Michael Mitchell from Australia I like the spirit of the didj, I very much related to the story. Your service was fo a truely caring nature. Low Price Its important to be valued. Very good
Anonymous from Netherlands Simple clean look, impressive weight and sound. Fast delivery in good package Can hear the didj before I buy   No serious compare possible....
Douglas Vroonen from Belgium As I often said, this is a perfect didge you quote me in different newsletter, and even put in it a picture of Skyer (Bart Vranken) and I playing. beside that, this didge was use in a court case, the judge asked me to play it, it was a great moment! it is like a second part of myself Your services are perfect with good advises and really good quality of didges Workmanship Serious bisness with care for Aboriginal peoples and nature They are different and all perfect in sound quality and artcraft, every day I swap from one didge to another to don't make them jaleous of each others! They are like my children, and there is no value for this.
Anonymously I like very much the clear sound for a 1st didg quality, very nice painting and a iron bark eucalyptous heavy wood!!!very good! Congratulations guys! Can hear the didj before I buy Trustly site! The only didg I can compare the ad 030, is the other didg from didjshop I bought!
Anonymously I like the healing sounds but it would be better a little bit longer It has been very good and I feel very pleased with you. The healing sounds Very good
Julien from France I like the sound, the noise level, the look and the quality A very fast service with good quality at end. Speed answers to my questions about the delivery taxes. Nothing to add to the the quality of my didj... Workmanship Only few other is the best price/sound quality/look rapport site of te net A beautiful model, with a high quality, very sober, with a correct price
Gerry from USA To put it simply, everything. The workmanship is top notch, the sound quality is excellent. It is a delight to play and a work of art. The service has always been very good. I recommend all of my friends who are interested in buying a didj to this site. Business Ethics Nope, I was looking for a quality, aboriginally made didj... hardest part was choosing one.  
Bob Thomaschek from USA The fact that I still can't play it very well but I can clear a room when I try!!! Your service did exactly what you said you would. Didj looked as good or better than I expected...I was happy! Sound Quality   A bargain!
Anonymously Can hear the didj before I buy I think the main reason was that I could listen to the didj beforehand and there was a good vibe on your webpage. It felt serious and honest. The one from you is the best sounding. The other one I bought from a friend.
Richard Peeler from Singapore Hello Svargo, Thanks so much for the great, authentic Didgeridoo. I've been a professional busker for fourteen years, and I bought it to play on the street. However, my wife Remedia fell in love with the Didg and now it's mostly hers. She plays it far better than I do anyway. Remedia is a life--long Shaman and psychic healer. When she does healing for others, the Didg helps her connect to them strongly. The Didg opens the Spirit World clearly and establishes Oneness with all beings very quickly for Remedia. After healing sessions she plays the Didg to cleanse herself of negative energies, heal all her bodies and reconnect her Spirit. Remedia says the Didg opens her mind and brings her "happy" back. When she plays for others, they get happy too.. Our Didg is far more than a musical instrument to make money with. It is Spiritually alive. It helps us be more alive Spiritually. Thank you so very much for sending us a great Didgeridoo that sounds so good and has the original, authentic, Aboriginal Spirit. Richard & Remedia Peeler Singapore I had trouble establishing communication, but after that all was very smoth and easy. Workmanship I liked all the info on your site.  
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