Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from customers of the world's finest didgeridoo store

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Name and Country Please tell us what you like and/or dislike about this didj Please comment on our service and workmanship Please name one important reason for you to be buying from us Any other reasons why you bought from us How does your new didjshop didj compare with your other didjes on price, sound quality and value
Charles from USA     Reliably graded   Make my own didjes,I am a much better player on a contemporary didj than a traditional didj.
Lars from Luxembourg     Can hear the didj before I buy   Much better than my others. Sound is absolutly great. Love this didj
Tim Garlinge from United Kingdom     Sound Quality Great service as always, Always know when I buy a didj from didjshop that it will be a great sounding, fantastic looking instrument Value of ad079 was great, quality and sound were also second to none as always
Peter Poor from USA     Sound Quality    
William from USA   None Workmanship   It is excellent
William from USA     Can hear the didj before I buy   I like it a lot.
Daniel from USA   Great! No problems. Can hear the didj before I buy Your site is the best. What other reasons can I give? Mine is the best. I got a great deal!
Tienne from USA   Had issues with DHL shipping but thats not really on your end, it was the office here. as far as the look of my Didje the sealent has very visible brushstrokes and just in my personal preference, somethinf a little bit less shiny might have accentuated the "natural look" of the wood, Being I have done some research on Aborigonal art I plan to design and paint mine so for me this isnt a huge issue Can hear the didj before I buy Your website is very well done, very much apreciated that you have a great grading system and that I could hear the didj before purchace Well excedes the quality of the didj I had purchaced previously but was purchaced in Perth by my godfather on a business trip so I had no visual or sound info before I recieved it, I first heard a Didj played when I was seven and allways really wanted one so I was just happy to have the oppertunity to get one that was fashioned in AUS by aborigonal artist
Brett Mccaughey from USA     Can hear the didj before I buy   Sounds so much better, no comparesion
Allan Klausen from Denmark     Reliably graded    
Arpad Toth from United Kingdom     Reliably graded This keeping in touch gives it more reason.. Other termite hollowed are better but were more expensive,and not glued inside so acoustics are better
Judy Echols from USA   My first three didjes came amazingly fast with no problems. I have had great help from people with buying the didjes. My last didj was hurt in transit and then held up by Trever's absence, so I can't give a 10 on this. But I am still very happy with the communication and as long as the didj returns well packed, I am still happy with the service. I would rather have an authentic aboriginal didj from an artist like Trevor, than an efficient quick sale from a company that has no personality. Workmanship The didjes, that I have bought from you, are the best that I have seen anywhere. I go to didj gatherings and camps and shows and see and play many didjes. Ae416 is the best didj that I have ever played. I am waiting to play my new one when it comes, as I have great hopes that it will be as good. I bought an aluminim and fiberglass didj last year, because it is light and easy to use for parades. I am not so careful with it as my "good didjes" and it comes in handy for leaving in hot cars and taking places that would be hard on the other didjes.
Bas Piek from Netherlands The customs charges don't bother me because it is indeed aboriginal art...   Reliable Trustworthy Business   Price was higher but then sound and quality of the didge is much better
Jeff Bottjer from USA     Reliably graded   Much louder and more ressonant, better response to vocals and overtones, also a much faster player as the key is a bit higher than my others
Alan Gebhart from USA I have visited Australia, and hope to visit again in the not too distant future. The digj's remind me of the great time I had there, a beautiful country and wonderful people. I still buy Aboriginal Art. Unfortunately, I still cannot play it, but it was purchased primarily for the tremendous art. Workmanship Superb artwork, and a real understanding of Australia's native peoples. Because I cannot play, I can only compare the artwork. This piece is second only to a companion didj by the same artist.
Alan Gebhart from USA I have visited Australia, and hope to visit again in the not too distant future. The digj's remind me of the great time I had there, a beautiful country and wonderful people. I still buy Aboriginal Art. Unfortunately, I still cannot play it, but it was purchased primarily for the tremendous art. Workmanship Superb artwork, and a real understanding of Australia's native peoples. Because I cannot play, I can only compare the artwork. This piece is second only to a companion didj by the same artist.
Claudia from USA The authentic art work on the didj surprised and impressed me   Workmanship Your web-site expressed very well what type of business you run. High integrity, quality and authentic. You give back to the country and the people. I don't have enough experience yet to comment.
Olivier from Canada     Sound Quality In fact, I didn't listen to it before I bought it; the sample wasn't available yet. But I really liked it at first sight, even on a small picture. The real one is, of course, much better:)  
Thomas from Switzerland     Reliably graded   Much better
Joseph from USA     Sound Quality Large selection of didges, nice ability to search, good pics, good sound clips. And the website just seems to leave a really good impression, with all the didge info, the cultural info, etc. It is my next to favorite didge, next to a leather didje that I made myself recently. The price of this didge was very reasonable for it's quality of sound.
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